Tuesday, February 14, 2017

Who is taking care of Who?

The world's amount of resources has shown an extreme need to have the populations learn sustainability. It is shocking to believe our world’s population is reaching numbers of over seven billion and growing rapidly. Our natural resources which have become the basis of our life on earth include water, energy, land and materials needed for survival. We are facing severe damage of over-consumption of these resources. With our climate changing, animal life is becoming less abundant, forest continues to shrink and land is being destroyed. We truly are facing the extinction of our resources for our planet if we do not change our lifestyles. We face a fragile eco-system and consuming fewer resources makes perfect sense. (Unkown)

The fact of the matter is, America needs to use fewer resources, such as oil, steel, food, and water. But, sadly enough, we need to provide more for our United States, for our poverty-stricken communities, our dying elderly and our diminished water supply before we consider providing anymore for third world countries. As practiced and preached on flight information given by stewardess’, it is said, in the case of any emergency, please put your oxygen mask on first then help others. By practicing this emergency standard, you will be able to help others after you have sustained your own life needs. This should be a common practice for all situations.
It seems impossible to use fewer resources when the United States statistically shows its own distress. Believe it or not, corporate media hides the fact that America has its own pressing issues. According to the United States census, 14.5% of Americans, or in laymen terms, over 45 million people live in poverty. Poverty is an apparent plague, objectively and measurably as it rates specifically among American children. (Johnson, 2016)

I am not opposed to helping others, especially those in poorer third world countries, I just think we should look deeper into American needs and their poor societies that also need the same resources to sustain life. I am trying not to contradict my beliefs of helping our fellow countries, I am just believing, we ourselves have many needs that are being overlooked due to the extreme disdain media has introduced us to outside of the United States of America. The media produces such severity of these third-world circumstances that now appear blinded by our own American severities. 

Johnson, A. (2016, January 5). 45 Million Americans Live in Poverty, but You Wouldn't Know It From Watching 2016 Coverage. Retrieved from AlterNet: http://www.alternet.org/election-2016/45-million-americans-live-poverty-you-wouldnt-know-it-watching-2016-coverage

Unkown. (n.d.). Overconsumption? Our use of the world's natural resources. Retrieved from https://www.foe.co.uk/sites/default/files/downloads/overconsumption.pdf

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