Sunday, May 14, 2017

For this child I prayed

For this child I prayed

Through these difficult days, I began praying with intense conviction for my daughters health and the health of my new grand baby. The love you have for your kids and grand-kids manifest even more when they endure an illness you can't do anything about. I continued in prayer and waited for results.

I felt helpless standing by and watching the doctor hurriedly care for my precious new granddaughter. She seemed healthy and happy merely two days prior to her distress. The night before her intensified condition, I spent my entire night awake and walking the floor with my sweet pea to calm and console her pain because my daughter was suffering from her wretched 48 hour labor. As my Sophia cried her mother cried, and as they both cried I could no longer hide my anguish and cried too. We were expecting to go home the next day with our sweet girl, but as the night progressed, we were forced to watch "halo-flight" lift her away to transfer our poor sick baby to Driscoll Children's Hospital in Corpus Christi.

When you hear a baby has jaundice, you don't think much of it. Modern medicine has made such amazing improvements that jaundice is easily cared for and the condition quickly fades away. My sweet pea did not improve in her jaundice state. Her conditioned worsened and elevated to a level brain damage was an added worry. We discovered that my daughters O+ blood and my granddaughter A+ blood was not compatible. We learned newborns are born with an immature liver and their livers continue to mature as they grow outside of the womb. Sweet pea's immature liver could not process the bad antigens being form in her precious little body caused by the incompatible blood. We were given the news that her bilirubin in her blood cells was elevated to a 19.5 and that 20 was the brain damage level. Once again, the strength I thought I possessed faltered on me again as I shared gallons of tears in worry and fear.

Possible blood transfusion was floating around as a cure but the worry about how intrusive it is kept the doctors looking for another outlet. Finally the idea of an IV-IG, Immunoglobulin therapy was spoke of. This is a less intrusive therapy where an IV is inserted that supplies a medicine that is a mixture of antibodies. This medicine goes into your blood directly and combats with the antibodies that is created from the war of the two incompatible bloods. The biggest stress of this medicine is the large possibility of an allergic reaction. This medicine is also a two part medicine, each dose given 24 hours apart from each other.

Days later, and many tears of joy, our sweet bundle of joy has been taken off the critical list. She still remains in NICU but her doctor is hopeful that we will be able to bring her home by Friday. Many prayers have been answered and many hearts are no longer hurting in pain and fear over our newly born grand baby. I still remain on edge, because I know such a small thing can not tell us when she is hurting. We have been with her 24 hours a day though and I have heard a painful continual cry turn into a calm restful baby. I have also been witness of a beautiful baby girl respond to our voices and a smile come across her face. This must be God's way of letting us know that our Sweet Pea is getting well and the worry is almost over.

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